Magnesium deficiency can be caused by a number of factors for children often caused by a poor diet due to lack of nutritious foods, a higher demand, underlying nervous system disorders, or absorption issues.
Children with a deficiency in magnesium show signs of:
- Irritability and behavioral changes
- Restless sleep and sleep disorders
- Cramps at night or muscle cramps [mg essential in bone health] and spasms including twitching eye [s]
- Anxiety and worry about school or other interactions triggering an increase in stress
- Restlessness, teeth grinding, and sensitivities to noise
- Learning disorders – ADD
- Bowel issues- constipation – [children with digestive issues absorb fewer nutrients].
Magnesium RDI doses for children:
- 0-6 months 30mg/day
- Infants 7-12 months 75mg/day
- 1-3 years 80mg/day
- 4-8 years is up to 130mg/day
- 9-13 years 240mg/day
Magnesium helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system and is responsible for calming and relaxing. Magnesium is a cofactor for neurotransmitters that are responsible for calming the body and the mind. Specifically, magnesium binds to GABA receptors which is responsible for quieting down the mind's nerve activity aiding sleep.
Eat Foods High in Magnesium
Dietary inclusions adding the following:
• Kelp, wheat bran, wheat germ, almonds, cashews, buckwheat, brazil nuts, dulse, filberts, millet, pecans, walnuts, rye, tofu, soybeans, brown rice, bananas, figs, dates, collard greens, shrimp, avocado, parsley, beans, barley, dandelion greens, garlic, spinach, peanut butter, eggs, milk and dairy [check for intolerances]